Hello all! Just dropping in for a drive by post : ) I've been incognito for a bit because of the whole studying thing as well as very recently being confined to bed with three bouts of being unwell - back to back to back. And while on vacation. But I am much better now and so happy to be feeling so.
I must confess that I haven't been doing much knitting since crunch time is here (Ishbel being my latest FO - still unblocked as I type...) - except for a few rows on my pomatomus sock last Friday with my friend Suz from the UK. She came in for a visit and again we met up for lunch and knitting. It was a wonderful afternoon : )
Next semester might require a bit more planning as I've taken on a greater study load all in the name of reaching the finish line all that sooner, so planning the knitting to keep me sane is imperative. Last year, my friend Colette gave me a wonderful gift of a pattern to her lovely
Bird's Eye Shawl (rav link)that I didn't buy enough yarn for. I've ordered two skeins (for a total of 4) Rowan Kidsilk Night in order to start. That along with the Aestlight shawl and maybe a hat or two for some fam in the cold climes will keep everthing honky dory. But we'll see as two sets of assignments, quizzes and deadlines will require some proper planning. Wish me well!
So hopefully, I'll be able to post the pics of Ishbel (most likely in it's unblocked state) and maybe a finished sock before the week is out. Hope everyone's knitting is keeping them busy, happy and content : )